This weekend we had our 30 year high school reunion. It was an amazing experience, reconnecting with old friends, making new friendships with people we really didn't know and enjoying time reminiscing about old times. There is something so special about the Sylvan Hills class of 1989.
Read MoreWhen we started this journey a year ago, we had lots of dreams and plans that would describe our future vision for Forevermost Farms.
Read MoreI love how Facebook sends you memories. It makes me realize I post a lot of stuff. Sometimes, I am reminded that on a Tuesday a year ago we had a delicious dinner. Sometimes, I get a glimpse of where I was a year or two ago emotionally. Sometimes, I get to see how far we've come and sometimes I am reminded of how little things have changed. Today, my memory was our first morning coffee on the porch here at the farm. What a year it's been for us. The Hummers are still here as they were last year; this crooked house is still full of love and hope. But my, how things have changed. We have chickens, goats, pigs, guineas, bees, rabbits, new dogs. Our house is pretty close to being finished. We built a giant flower bed and we have a garden.
Read MoreIt has long been my dream to write and illustrate a series of children’s books. Several years ago, I even took a watercolor class so I could learn how paint hummingbirds or other critters for the books. I quickly learned that I’m no artist but I did enjoy the process of mixing beautiful colors to make other beautiful colors. Then life got really busy…..I became a mom, my job became more demanding and time-consuming and frankly, I just didn’t have the energy to work on it.
Read MoreYesterday, we made our weekly trip to the sale Barn. It's truly one of the highlights of my week. It's so busy here on the farm. We are working harder than we ever have. I used to think I worked a lot...and I did, but it wasn't nearly as intense as this lifestyle we have right now. I'm not complaining all. I'm glad for the work. Those shirts or bumper stickers you see that say, "If you ate today, thank a farmer" make a heckuva lot more sense now.
Read MoreWhen I was little, I remember our family driving down the road and my mom would say, "Albert, did you see all those blackberries? Go back...let's get some." And my dad would always turn around. We'd find a sack or something in the car to take the berries home in and then we'd be on our merry way, with our contraband blackberries, juice running down our necks and stained hands. Those days almost always ended with a blackberry cobbler and vanilla ice cream.
Read MoreOver the past couple weeks (and the last ten years), I’ve started cataloging advice….lessons….whatever you want to call it. I know this isn’t a comprehensive list and I am confident that I will continue to add to it but for now, here’s a start that I hope will be helpful for any teenage girl.
So here goes……
Don’t let anyone tell you your dream. You decide what you want and fight like hell for it.
Marry the guy you want to marry. Or don’t… decide what works for you.
Go after the job you really want….even if it means you’ll have to eat ramen noodles and mac & cheese. Do what you love. You spend more hours at work than anywhere else. Make sure it’s where you want to be.
Don’t take ibuprofen on an empty stomach.
Read MoreAs I sat on the edge of the waterbed, the disc jockey for KSSN announced news that changed my world. Time stopped for a few minutes and I cried while sitting there on the edge of the bed. Keith Whitley was dead at the age of 33 years old from an apparent alcohol overdose.
Read MoreMother's Day is just not that simple. Take it from my daughter who we adopted through the foster care system when she was four years old. I couldn’t wait to be part of the exclusive Mom club that had evaded me for so long.
Read MoreMusic has always been a huge part of our relationship. It started way back in high school as two best friends would sit and listen to Lionel Richie and Alabama, singing and laughing, bearing our teenage souls in the windowsill of Kelly’s dormer in her parents’ house on Coolhurst in Sherwood.
Read MoreOver one-third of our food crops are pollinated by bees. Without bees, we could lose many of the crops we love to eat.
Read MoreIt’s been so interesting watching the momma rabbits as they’ve been preparing for the birth of their babies. A few days before they kindle (that’s a new word I’ve learned which means they have their babies), they begin “nesting”.
Read MoreLife is better with close friends. They are there to lift you up when you are down. They are there to celebrate your successes. They are there to turn to for advice and there when you just want to veg out.
Read MoreSome of you may be wondering where this Forevermost thing came from so we thought we'd share a little background. When we started dating, most of our conversations were from hundreds of miles apart as Steve was living in St. Louis and Kelly was in Little Rock. It was always hard to get off the phone because that time was so precious at the end of each day.
Read MoreSometimes one of the babies don’t make it. Sometimes a seed doesn’t come up. Sometimes a plant dies, the honey bees leave, the eggs don’t hatch or the dog eats your new Japanese Maple tree. It doesn’t always work out and in those times, it is sad. It is a time of anger, sorrow, hurt and all kinds of tough feelings. And there are tears.
Read MoreAs we have been patiently watching our eggs all day today, I’ve been thinking a lot about what these baby chicks go through just to come out of their shells. We have our first two chickens pipping which is the beginning of the hatching process where the baby starts to break the eggshell with their egg tooth. We currently have 41 eggs in the incubator and this morning when Steve came in to tell me that the pipping had begun, I literally squealed
Read MoreThose country roots never showed more than one late fall evening somewhere between 1976 and 1978…..
Read MoreIt was a good night, a rare opportunity to get dressed up, put on our cowboy boots and enjoy a grown up date night. The setting was inspiring, #OnLoveMountain....really, that's the name of this magical place.
Read MoreHoney bees are the only insects that produces food that is consumed by humans. (Honey does not spoil or go bad – even over centuries) Most of us are aware of this, especially when we pour some of this amazing liquid over a biscuit or mix it into our hot tea as a sweetener
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